Homecoming season is a time to remember! No…really…remember.
Make sure your child’s memories last a long time by helping them stay away from alcohol and other drugs.
The solution is simple: TALK! Talk Early and Talk Often.
Speak to your child all year long, and especially around prom and graduation time, about the dangers of using alcohol and other drugs. Listen respectfully and be open to what they have to say. The earlier you begin speaking to your children, the less likely they will choose to drink or use other drugs.
Before any celebration...
◊ Ask what your child’s plans are for the dance and post dance celebrations. Know where they will be at what time and when you should expect them home.
◊ Speak to them about various situations that might arise and how to effectively deal with them.
◊ Assure your teen that they can call you to be picked up anytime they decide they want to go home. Also consider giving them money for a taxi in case they want to get home but cannot reach you.
When the party bus or limousine arrives…
◊ Personally speak to the driver about ensuring that your child and their friends have a drug and alcohol free ride. Urge the driver to not make any stops en route. Any stops present an opportunity for teens to purchase drugs or alcohol.
◊ Inspect the limousine, including the trunk, for any alcohol or drugs.
◊ Inform the driver that teens may bring alcohol on board disguised in non-alcohol containers. Ask the driver to not allow any non-alcoholic beverages with broken seals on board.
After the event…
◊ Check your child for any signs that they have been drinking or using drugs.
◊ Talk to your teen about their night and any situations that may have occurred.
Make sure that you inform your teen that…
◊ They need to call 911 if someone is in danger, in distress or lose consciousness
◊ Neither they nor their friend will get in trouble for calling 911. (NYS Good Samaritan Law)
◊ Even if they are uncomfortable with calling 911, it is very important to get help. In the case of an emergency, they should call a parent/guardian AND contact a poison control center for anonymous tips.
It can save someone’s life.
Other Resources: